Nerdychaz wrote on Dec 16
th, 2011 at 7:23pm:
Oh, so sorry, I tried to say to hit but had people upset about that. So from now on I will just say it lowers your sex drive. Can we all work with that?
Everyone always brings up DPS, DPS is not the pure intent of the build. If DPS calculations were the only concern in the game, I would stick to a spreadsheet. It is about a higher to-hit, lowered gear requirements, higher base damage, AoE sneak attacks (via cleave), shit tons of skill points, Fortification breaking, and a ridiculously awesome possible assassinate check. Yes, it is not optimum DPS, it is optimum assassinate, overcoming the rogue's weaknesses, and adding more versatility.
Frankly, I saw someone intending to play an assassin III THF build. I offered my advice based on my experience, as I play a quite successful soloable THF rogue as my main and a quarterstaff build in my dedicated group. Do you have an constuctive advice or experience for this person? I am sorry if the concept is a bit hard for your little mind to grasp, but I can't really simplify the concept when you only measure DPS. Please, continue playing the same build as everyone else and have fun, being like everyone else.
Everytime I read a post about in this thread you made, I think, wow you are fucking retarded.
1. Rogues don't have a problem hitting, unless they have aggro.
2. Your optimum assassinate isn't optimum.
3. You may want to look up the meaning of the word optimum so you know what you are talking about.
4. Rogues don't have a problem with fortification anymore.
5. Rogues don't have high gear requirements.
6. Rogues already have plenty of skill points, hence why they invest them in stupid worthless shit.
7. Are you seriously equating the difference between to-hit and bab to my sex drive? When you get more pathetic, let me know.
8. A rogues weakness is shitty players, that is it. Hence why I hate them.
9. Your ridiculously high asassinate dc as you call it makes me laugh.
10. You need a hug, bring it in big guy