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Very Hot Topic (More than 75 Replies) Anyone on Orien? (Read 22419 times)
Stormreaver Piker

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #100 - Dec 13th, 2017 at 7:22pm
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Jesus go die in a fire you self-aggrandizing twat, no one cares about your 'accomplishments' in DDO or the supposed real life ones ...... it was funny calling you on your bullshit, now you just won't let go of that dick  Roll Eyes
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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #101 - Dec 13th, 2017 at 7:30pm
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You lucky we buds, but the next pic you send me better be tits.

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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #102 - Dec 13th, 2017 at 7:45pm
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Epoch wrote on Dec 13th, 2017 at 6:07pm:
I don't even understand as to how you could let a school promote your 7 year old to black belt. If a school did that to me I would pass and go somewhere else. Blech.

Not sure if you're not reading what I've been saying but it's not a terrible thing to allow kids to get a *kids* black belt based on a reasonable set of child-oriented criteria if they work hard for it. 

The goal is to keep kids interested in martial arts long enough for them to become adults without getting bored or burned out.  A guaranteed way to ensure young children do get bored and quit though is to not acknowledge their progress and hard work.

Additionally, stop promoting the kids and watch parents stop paying for classes.  Schools have to pay those utility bills and buy equipment, yo.  =P
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Korthos Resident

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #103 - Dec 13th, 2017 at 8:02pm
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Epoch wrote on Dec 13th, 2017 at 6:07pm:
I don't even understand as to how you could let a school promote your 7 year old to black belt. If a school did that to me I would pass

Well I've been teaching him at home Taegeuk 1-8 forms since he was 3, the school of course reinforces it 4/week with the hand techniques, self defenses, terminology, stances, falls and sparring. He is of course not at strong as an adult but can certainly hold his own against any kids his age which is the point. Its great exercise and discipline for him and I, and we love it and practice together which is fun for us, so again really not sure what the issue is, if need screen shots of that .. ok.... have em too, just really amazed that anyone finds that so incredible.
« Last Edit: Dec 13th, 2017 at 8:03pm by Truth »  
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #104 - Dec 13th, 2017 at 8:05pm
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Truth wrote on Dec 13th, 2017 at 7:10pm:
You are right there, it is just a game so why you all getting your panties all in a bunch over my bio which is all true and verifiable? Says the guy who was offended enough that he took time away from his model family life (aka banging out DDO achievements in your mom's basement) to track this board down, register an account on it and start defending his interwebs honor.

Look its simple, just ping me in game if need proof of anything or ask Consel, and I will send screenshots if you want to doubt, though every thing I said in my bio is true in the end of the day. - Nobody gives a fuck.

I have screenshots of my racial completionist, and witnesses to the dates and times. Ping me in game, will send if you want or ask Consel he can verify both. - Seriously, nobody really gives a fuck.

Also lets not get things twisted-  I was not even on this silly board, I was called out by jelly publically who never met me once in my life, who said my claims were BS, I said they were not and I do in fact have proof and witnesses, another said I must be delusional, have PTSD, be a tard, and that I must be fat.. lol ok... I said nope am blackbelt actually and so is my kid (both true), then you said I must neglect my kids by playing too  much DDO.. lol you guys really have some issues...  - Cool story but really, nobody gives a fuck except apparently you.   

Look if want proof ping me in game will send you screen shots of my toon and the racial completionist feat (therefore not liar) if need pictures of any of my other "boastful claims" happy to provide to civil people in game if really need that bad just ping me. - NGAF

You want me to stop "boasting" very happy to, how about this then, the trolls quit fabricating outlandish accusations based on no knowledge of me, and I quit dismissing these baseless attacks with the truth (aka boasting) lol  Tongue  if any doubt can ping me or others to verify all true. - Nobody cares about your toon.  It will die sad and alone with only it's past lives to keep it warm at night.

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Korthos Resident

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #105 - Dec 13th, 2017 at 8:08pm
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Digimonk wrote on Dec 13th, 2017 at 7:45pm:
The goal is to keep kids interested in martial arts long enough for them to become adults without getting bored or burned out.  A guaranteed way to ensure young children do get bored and quit though is to not acknowledge their progress and hard work.

Digi , yeah basically agree with that.

Only exception is that I studied TKD before he ever started so he had home tutoring from a young age, so that is a bit different than farming him off only to a school or pressing him though, which I would agree with you about.
« Last Edit: Dec 13th, 2017 at 8:16pm by Truth »  
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Korthos Resident

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #106 - Dec 13th, 2017 at 8:11pm
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Digimonk wrote on Dec 13th, 2017 at 8:05pm:
Look its simple, just ping me in game if need proof of anything or ask Consel, and I will send screenshots if you want to doubt, though every thing I said in my bio is true in the end of the day. - Nobody gives a fuck. I have screenshots of my racial completionist, and witnesses to the dates and times. Ping me in game, will send if you want or ask Consel he can verify both. - Seriously, nobody really gives a fuck.

Problem with that is serveral people, just keep giving a fuck... really not sure why but this started because a stranger named jelly got jelly and gave a fuck about me completing racial completionsist and putting it in my bio, and then trolls kept giving a fuck in fact... or they would quit responding.

I provided my proof to set the record straight above in the screenshot that Consel listed. I am done if you all are, or we can keep acting like children, but anyway the proof is above to respond to the many folks who said I was lying.
« Last Edit: Dec 13th, 2017 at 10:09pm by Truth »  
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #107 - Dec 13th, 2017 at 8:26pm
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I wasnt going to respond because I know for a fact that you are extremely delusional and a liar.. And im not exclusively talking about the stuff in your bio.. Theres nothing anyone here including you can type here thatll change those facts. But anyways..

Just because you ask one of your 100 or whatever guild members if youre first of anything doesnt make it true... Ive seen on others bio's that they did the feats but months earlier.. (check out brons bio and several others if you dont believe me.. bron had that shit in his bio this summer liar) ill ss them for ya as i see them again... but they werent delusional enough to assume they were the first to do so in some cult leader type fashion. Or they just dont give a fuck. Id just put it in the bio and at the most the date so you can show it to great grandchildren later in

As for myself..  Ive never screenshotted shit like that.. I have nothing in my bio about lives... nor do i have any idea when i did anything in particular. Im also not first to do anything.. And even if, for whatever reason, I was "in my mind" positive that I was first to do something worth mentioning... I wouldnt just put delusional shit like "server first" in my bio for a few reasons.

1..when it cannot be proven because theres no list anywhere.
2.. Its not the truth when you only compare youself to the few people you know..
3.. you are too ignorant to know that people duped boxes.. so somebody with a few bank
toons full of em.. wouldnt have to wait long to get the lives
4.. some people have much more freetime than the average person and couldve tred every 3-4 days easily and been done fairly early
5.. you werent the only person who could dupe lgs cleansers..
6.. stoddard was actually the first to do all those things ask his guild members.. they will confirm it.. ss and all that shit.. so its legit.. Cheesy
7.. Do  you honestly think you were on exactly the second when ravenloft opened and was the first to go  there to get and put in 1200? And dump em in the fastest like it was a fucking race? You must have a faster script than myself and others (mine was 8 mins to put in.. idk how long to "get" the 1200).. But ya, you the best!! you beat everyone by at least 1 min cause youre the fastest. (I wasnt close to first cause i didnt take off rl shit to be on that exact second.. But I did do that shit several hrs later.. lol)
8.. many other reasons..
« Last Edit: Dec 13th, 2017 at 8:42pm by Skrilla »  
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #108 - Dec 13th, 2017 at 8:41pm
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Maybe you couldve said something like... first in your guild... that would make people think that was more likely.. and could actually be facts.. and it would be a decent feat seeing that youre in what is probably the 2nd largest mass invite guild on the server.. (id put that in your bio too but im not 100% about that either you may have more members)

Some people put things in mobo when they assume they are first.. Which is fun and cool and good to read about.. (Im not hating on nor invalidating those guys at all)... But for instance.. some peeps put up a ss of them being first to finish the new raid on server... well Id assume youll have that in your bio any day now as well.. but ya... Anyways... that doesnt mean they were first either.. I mean I believe they were first and all and would bet on it... but in the end.. they were only the first to post it.. And thats all that can be facts in this game since there are no leader boards..

But ya, theres more shit i could bring up but im not trying to throw people im cool with under the bus.. So I wont ever.. Even with you trying to incite non-sock vault members with your tough guy talk and "meet me in game" shit (which will be your next statement as well)... nobody wants to talk to your ass... and im done talking to a highly delusional liar on a sock with 1 post or so.. gl with being first in everything in your mind... but dont be mad when others find delusional people funny.. I know you will think meh... Its just a few people 
on the vault that think these things.. But.. sadly... you would be mistaken.. tc
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Korthos Resident

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #109 - Dec 13th, 2017 at 8:42pm
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Skilla, You are wrong I lied about anything in my bio or elsewhere, everyone who knows me knows me to be honest, and I don't accept that, I challenge that.  You cant say such things without anything to back it up, that is just flaming and trolling people as you know.

You are however right that I founded and lead a very large guild on orien, this is in my bio, proud of my team, though it was never a mass invite guild (rather it is only friends of officers allowed in, and always has been).

End of the day yes I was telling the truth about my racial completionist, 30 then later 33 lives is not easy. There were likely other otto dupers that came first, sorry but I don't count them as accomplishments. From my experience calling someone delusional and PTSD (really?) without ever knowing anything about them or ever running with them is not the best protocol... You can see from the above screenshot, and ask dozens of my guildies who ran with me, I was telling the truth. I know who was running lives, and none that I know of claim to have finished before me (sans boxes).

You think I was acting like mr. tough guy after reacting to being called a cunt from Jelly? I am in my rights to fight back on that, he never once spoke with me and then that? Nah not gonna put up with that crap from him or anyone.
I am not mad at anyone except for jelly who deserves what he gets, and can refer to the screenshot if he doubts my claims which started the trolls, but please do read the posts you will see plenty of anger in there that was completely unfounded. I told the truth, posted screen shot, and stand by it, and am right to do so. 

For point 7 I agree with you on that, and after the hammer time bug I removed that as well because it became a non-accomplishment as you said, (I put it originially as It did cost several hundred named items to get that before everyone started doing hammer time which made it irrelevant).

Yes you are also right that some could have duped boxes, or gobbled boxes, I did not, and I don't count them as firsts, which seems reasonable to me, you call can count them if you like, but I don't.
« Last Edit: Dec 13th, 2017 at 10:18pm by Truth »  
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Slick Stick
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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #110 - Dec 13th, 2017 at 8:45pm
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Skrilla wrote on Dec 13th, 2017 at 8:26pm:
1..when it cannot be proven because theres no list anywhere.

Skrilla wrote on Dec 13th, 2017 at 8:26pm:
6.. stoddard was actually the first to do all those things ask his guild members.

Oh shit, you totally win.

You can't stroll through this thread without stepping on everyone's shittard irony.

I'm only reading to watch everyone troll themselves and I'm bored. This really isn't helping the boredom though. Undecided


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Dragon Raider

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #111 - Dec 14th, 2017 at 4:08am
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Skrilla wrote on Dec 6th, 2017 at 9:15pm:
Especially the jp guys..

what is wrong with jp? Aside from curing and boom, those people were great. Heck I joined the guild for a tiny bit to raid with them.
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #112 - Dec 14th, 2017 at 7:58am
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Erofen wrote on Dec 14th, 2017 at 4:08am:
what is wrong with jp? Aside from curing and boom, those people were great. Heck I joined the guild for a tiny bit to raid with them.

Ya idk. I was mostly just shitposting that.. lol

Them moving was a very long time ago.. And I shouldnt have lumped them all together. 

Personally I only disliked 2 of em. And that was because of the way they treated other people..

I didnt really run into them often until the point that there was only about 6? or so of em as well.

Stacks was really helpful.. Crush as well and very nice to others..

My bad

« Last Edit: Dec 14th, 2017 at 8:00am by Skrilla »  
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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #113 - Dec 14th, 2017 at 11:27am
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Rubbinns wrote on Dec 13th, 2017 at 5:14pm:
few tips if you want to step your shitpost grind up;

Maybe we should tell him about Vault Completionist?

He wouldn't be the first, though.

Two sips from the cup of human kindness and I'm shitfaced
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The Undeserving Fuckwit

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #114 - Dec 14th, 2017 at 12:13pm
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Skrilla wrote on Dec 14th, 2017 at 7:58am:

stacks was the shit. he would value furyshot over dying. in any content. the fucker wouldn't even move or heal if he had furyshot going. was the best thing i ever seen in my life. I'd be like, dude, you're gonna die. and he would be all "nah, the dps bro, i got dis." 2 seconds later-> ding!  love that guy

Mockduck wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 2:20pm:
I don't think naming names would be a good thing for me to do, but I'd pretty much add anyone who's a know-it-all dick on the list.� Even if they are sometimes intelligent with their opinions, the way they state them in long, "i'm a lawyer at trial"-type posts makes me want to punch them in the face.� They act like whiney babies with god complexes and then freak out if someone so much as breathes criticism in their direction.
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Alex DeLarge
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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #115 - Dec 14th, 2017 at 1:16pm
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Rubbinns wrote on Dec 14th, 2017 at 12:13pm:
I'd be like, dude, you're gonna die. and he would be all "nah, the dps bro, i got dis." 2 seconds later-> ding!  love that guy

Ohhhhh, so that's why he kept dying so much in quests LOL. I never pay attention to others when questing xD

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Korthos Resident

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #116 - Dec 14th, 2017 at 1:28pm
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Starkjade wrote on Dec 14th, 2017 at 11:27am:
Maybe we should tell him about Vault Completionist?

You can hold that lofty honor, gratz to you too Smiley

I did not come here to talk bad about anyone, and won't spend much time here in the future so don't worry about that. In truth I get along with 99% of the folks I run with on Orien, I help them whenever I can, have fun with buddies, and always respect folks in game and in life.  I never disrespect anyone who does not first disrespect me. In the end team play and having fun adventures with friends is what the original game is about, every since the Gary Gygax days.

I wont be slandered that's all, and I was called here by a disrespectful stranger who started flinging mud at a me without any provocation, who knows nothing about me. My claim that I am the first on the Orien server to run 30+ lives for Racial completionist is what was being disputed I was not bragging he brought it up here not me). I have seen nothing to dispute that claim yet (acknowledging Bron's completion of 6-15, with the understanding that there are some that may have used or duped ottos to complete before, fine their choice and not judging, but I stand by what I said - I was the first to earn it, put it in my own bio, and then this).  I posted my screen shots of my feat, I have my witnesses on timelines, enough said on that unless folks want to keep going for some reason.

What I claimed is not even the issue, its that some folks think they can crap on good folks without a shred of evidence, and hide behind the internet, I take issue with that. Speak freely but speak truthfully with a bit of respect to strangers who may be good folk, and the internet (and vault and this game we play) become much less toxic and more enjoyable for everyone.

Happy to run with any of you any time, even with Jelly. If you take me up on that, you will see who I really am not the delusional PTSD cunt he imagines me to be. Some of you have keen wits and good senses of humor which I value and respect, enjoy the game, be good to people, and have fun on your vault. Until then take care.  Tongue
« Last Edit: Dec 14th, 2017 at 1:33pm by Truth »  
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Alaskan Ice Hole


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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #117 - Dec 14th, 2017 at 1:52pm
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Digimonk wrote on Dec 13th, 2017 at 7:45pm:
Not sure if you're not reading what I've been saying but it's not a terrible thing to allow kids to get a *kids* black belt based on a reasonable set of child-oriented criteria if they work hard for it. 

The goal is to keep kids interested in martial arts long enough for them to become adults without getting bored or burned out.  A guaranteed way to ensure young children do get bored and quit though is to not acknowledge their progress and hard work.

Additionally, stop promoting the kids and watch parents stop paying for classes.  Schools have to pay those utility bills and buy equipment, yo.  =P

My school was very old fashioned and traditional for Taekwondo (back when I was extremely active in the martial arts, now I just tend to do different types instead of sticking to one). You either persevered (perseverance is a tenet of Taekwondo) or you quit. You did receive acknowledgement, but it was no through the form of a belt that you did not earn through their requirements.

Different times call for different measures though. There was a time when parents understood things, oh well.

OnePercenter wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 9:41am:
I just read that the cat followed up by visiting the dog house later that night, dropping some Willie Pete in on the sleeping dog.  #epochsfamiliarFTW

Sim-Sala-Bim wrote on Jan 27th, 2014 at 2:09am:
It seems like Epoch never loses his popularity.
Even against donuts.
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Alaskan Ice Hole


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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #118 - Dec 14th, 2017 at 2:03pm
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Truth wrote on Dec 13th, 2017 at 8:02pm:
Well I've been teaching him at home Taegeuk 1-8 forms since he was 3, the school of course reinforces it 4/week with the hand techniques, self defenses, terminology, stances, falls and sparring. He is of course not at strong as an adult but can certainly hold his own against any kids his age which is the point. Its great exercise and discipline for him and I, and we love it and practice together which is fun for us, so again really not sure what the issue is, if need screen shots of that .. ok.... have em too, just really amazed that anyone finds that so incredible.

A school with classes 4/week? My goodness I need to get out of alaska. They have all become 3/week for 45 mins. Taking screnshots of real life is impressive, I usually just take pictures... from cameras. No offense, I don't care enough about your existence to see pics of it. I just think the idea of a "kids" black belt is ridiculous. But, I am pretty old fashioned Taekwondo and I don't agree with a few of the decisions federations are going with.

There are better ways to motivate children than false ranks. Just my opinion. I understand both sides of the argument, I just have personal leaning towards one over the other.


OnePercenter wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 9:41am:
I just read that the cat followed up by visiting the dog house later that night, dropping some Willie Pete in on the sleeping dog.  #epochsfamiliarFTW

Sim-Sala-Bim wrote on Jan 27th, 2014 at 2:09am:
It seems like Epoch never loses his popularity.
Even against donuts.
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Slick Stick
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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #119 - Dec 14th, 2017 at 2:18pm
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So when does this thread get a new home?

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #120 - Dec 14th, 2017 at 3:26pm
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Slick Stick wrote on Dec 12th, 2017 at 3:49pm:
That's so 2012 bro...

You saying I should go older? Y2k bug, or something? Maybe ... Internet Tough Guy?

Silence is golden, but I only get silver rolls.
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Slick Stick
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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #121 - Dec 14th, 2017 at 3:50pm
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Revaulting wrote on Dec 14th, 2017 at 3:26pm:
You saying I should go older? Y2k bug, or something? Maybe ... Internet Tough Guy?

It was a Manti Te'o reference...

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Slick Stick
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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #122 - Dec 14th, 2017 at 3:51pm
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And for the record, that is proper catfishing. This was sad...

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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #123 - Dec 14th, 2017 at 7:31pm
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Epoch wrote on Dec 14th, 2017 at 1:52pm:
My school was very old fashioned and traditional for Taekwondo (back when I was extremely active in the martial arts, now I just tend to do different types instead of sticking to one). You either persevered (perseverance is a tenet of Taekwondo) or you quit. You did receive acknowledgement, but it was no through the form of a belt that you did not earn through their requirements.

Different times call for different measures though. There was a time when parents understood things, oh well.

That's what I'm saying.  Roll new-school for the kids and keep it old-school for the adults.   Nothing wrong with that, especially since the kids are where a lot of the money comes from these days.
« Last Edit: Dec 15th, 2017 at 5:11pm by Digimonk »  
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Anyone on Orien?
Reply #124 - Dec 14th, 2017 at 7:35pm
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For the record..

What many of us here think is sad is how much this thread bothered ya..

This isnt your thread... I dont know why you cling onto it if its so terrible.. how many times did you post on it?

And  just because youre in the same guild or whatever doesnt mean you have to whine (passive agressively) about the thread.. just post your blah comments elsewhere like you typically do..

At least truth and consel said what they believe and thought.. which is respectable

Im not sure what positive words I could use to describe your ways.. maybe others can.. idk   Sad
« Last Edit: Dec 15th, 2017 at 12:02am by Skrilla »  
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