Imbue changes for DWS shuri. Splashes 2 rogue for poison imbue, dice, trapping and some sneak dice.
I am not sold on imbue for bow hybrid. Neither am I convinced going deep for it on no swap shuri is worth it either. One of the biggest reasons is the bow swap becomes even worse. Largely from taking away haste boost to grab some dice. The other factor in not going in deeper on imbue dice is that so many mobs are just immune to the poison imbue.
For DWS versions I would grab some dice and the imbue, but not by cutting my rp, dex, and dshot down. Maybe if a specific push raid had bosses that were not immune, then I could see trading off some sources of dps to gain an advantage with imbue dice.
This set up ensures 100 dex score in reaper, using yugo pot and long lasting pot, and having reaper stat helm. This allows staying in fire when dpsing or ocean when kiting full time. Doubleshot is 96 standing on ship. 13 imbue dice/19 sneak dice. 270 rp standing and gear mythic/reaper buff not included.
Feats :
Class AP :
Gear is still the same. Augments changed a bit :
Dual vulkoor might + chosen sets
bracer of claw ins con/parry/fort/false life/vitality aug/globe aug
gem of facets cc might + chosen (dshot 9/armor pierce/ins accuracy 12)/db aug
vulkoor pendant heal and heal lore/hamp aug/rp aug
tinkerer set
tinkerer eye int/all deception/dshot aug/imbue dice aug
tinkerer hand q dex/all seeker/reflex/festive wis aug/quick draw aug
quickblade doubleshot augment set
velah armor quickblade aug/unicorn tear aug
sharn helm seeker/accuracy/quality deadly/insightful doubleshot/quickblade aug/demonheart emerald aug/ reaper ability
ring bound elemental ring of lightning air proc/quickblade aug/festive dex aug
cloak capelet ins dex/ins sheltering/cold absorb/protection aug/concentration aug
dread set
dino star 15d6 Cold on hit/cold iron/evil bypass/acid dot/+2 dex/dust/decon aug/feareater aug
dino offhand kama/shortsword 10% spell cost reduction/fire proc/+2 wis/vacuum/cracked core aug/natural armor aug
dino ring artifact dex/deadly/prr/fury/undying sapphire aug/wis aug/ins dex aug -for cloak absorb swap-
admiral boots seeker/deception/speed/con 14/resistance aug/festive con aug
sea-weed belt spell resistance/spell saves/potency/mrr/diversion aug/ins wis aug
artifact spines raid 10rp/crackshot 5rp/shattered device 5rp/treachery raid 2 dex
spines raid 10rp
spines 5rp
spines dex
spines set : 2 dmg/10rp
total : 35 rp/3dmg/1sex
crackshot 5rp
crackshot atk/dmg
crackshot reflex
crackshot set : 15rp/5dshot
total : 25rp/1 dmg/5dshot
shattered 5rp
shattered atk/dmg
shatter armor piercing
shatter set 3dmg/3dshot/10 prr-mrr debuff
total : 10rp/4 dmg/ 3 dshot/ -10 prr-mrr proc
Treachery raid 2 dex
Treachery set : 5 rp
total : 4 dex/5rp