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Hot Topic (More than 35 Replies) Mobos "Community Rules Update" (Read 6299 times)
Completionist (i.t.p.)


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Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Aug 30th, 2017 at 5:52pm
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Mostly comedic garbage. TL;DR you may have one of your socks returned to you. I didn't get any of mine back (or my original).

One of the things that has been a long-term project of mine is to update the Community Guidelines to better reflect the needs of Standing Stone Games, to more accurately describe the rules as we apply them, and to remove the overly rules-lawyer-ey speak that the "guidelines" have long had.

In many ways, things will not change in practice, but they are presented differently. The main change from a practical perspective is we no longer utilize a system of points and total-infraction thresholds. Frankly, if someone needs to go, they need to go, and being bound to a system of points and total infractions makes little sense.

This change brings with it a potential significant bit of news: Many players now have a clean slate, or nearly clean slate, with many of their old infractions removed from the system. In some cases, this may actually cause some forum accounts to be unbanned. This includes some people who in the past were banned through a combination of total infractions issued. We have preserved some of the worst infractions, including Terms of Service violations, Spam-related bans, hate speech, and other instant-ban infractions. We have also preserved some of the old "five point" infractions regarding racist posts and the like. However, most of the old 5 and under point infractions have been removed altogether. If you were previously banned and no longer are, welcome back! Please keep in mind that we are prepared to re-ban forum accounts as needed to foster the community and properly apply the Community Rules.

As always, the Community Rules can be found here:

For the purposes of increased visibility, I will also repost the rules below. Thank you for being a part of the DDO community, and we look forward to reading your posts for a long time to come.

Community Rules

Standing Stone Games strives to foster a welcoming, friendly, and active community that enjoys playing our games. To that end, here are some rules we need you to follow. Having a diverse and friendly environment is very important to us, and it is your key to finding people to play with for years to come.

Remember that moderators have to make decisions all the time that require context. Applying the rules isn’t a robotic or mathematical process; mods often deal with shades of grey rather than black and white. Our Community Rules are not meant to fuel "rules lawyers"; rather, they are general guidance to help you understand what our expectations are.

These are the things we expect you to do:

Be nice! A friendly and welcoming environment is very important, as it allows gamers from all walks of life and skill levels to participate.

Respect people. We ask that you respect others whether you agree with them or not. That means, in part:
Don't insult or harass others: Insulting or harassing people says more about you than it does the person you are insulting or harassing.
Don't troll: Trolling disrupts conversation and leads to long-term problems. Remember that you can strongly disagree with someone and not post about it, and can instead voice your own opinion without insulting others. This is also more productive and valuable to us. It's okay if someone is wrong on the Internet!
Don't accuse people of being trolls: Simply report their posts and move on. Calling someone a troll is a form of trolling.
Don't use loaded words to insult a group of players: The use of the words, "fanboy", "fanbois", "cheerleaders", "haters", or similar-meaning language, is insulting and not okay.

Don't call for devs or other SSG employees to be fired, killed, get sick, etc. We take this very seriously, even if you mean it as "a joke".

Don't be abusive to SSG employees or forum moderators. We appreciate constructive negative criticism, but cruel and ugly language is not allowed.

No Racism, inappropriate content, or other -isms: Writing about or linking to racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and other inappropriate content will get you infracted or banned. We also don’t want sexually-explicit, violent, or gross stuff on our forums or social channels.

We do not permit "Naming and Shaming". Publicly accusing someone of misbehavior, whether true or not, is not allowed. We do not conduct trials in the court of public opinion, nor do we want to create a situation where players are forced to defend themselves publicly against untrue, misleading, or only partially accurate allegations.

No Doxxing: Posting someone's account information, email address, or other personally-identifying information is a serious offense, and will not be tolerated.

No profanity, please. That also includes using symbols (#$^$@) or spaces/p.u.n.c.t.u.a.t.i.o.n to get around filters.

Don't bring up old arguments in unrelated threads. You and someone else got into a 13-page dispute over whether shields should have handles, and will never agree on anything ever again because of it. You and the other person (or people) should stop responding to each other, at least for the time being. Regardless of how you choose to proceed, we don't want the topic brought up again and again in threads that have nothing to do with whether shields should have handles.

We are a Politics and Religion-free zone. That also includes political language and discussions that amount to political or religious debates.

Keep private messages private. Do not publicly post anything written to you in a Private Message without the express permission of the person who wrote it.

Don't Spam the forums. If you violate the Code of Conduct by attempting to sell something for real money, or direct people to a spam site, you'll be banned. If you're simply spamming the same post or thread over and over, you're annoying others, and we'll put a stop to it.

Please don't join the Grammar Police. Since we welcome players from across the world, you will encounter posts written by people who are not native English writers. We also know that some people have their own writing quirks. If it annoys you too much to read a poorly-written post, don’t read it.

Keep the train on the tracks: Derailing official discussion threads makes it difficult for us to gather targeted feedback, so it's important that we sometimes moderate official discussion threads heavily to ensure that the feedback stays on target.

Don't create multiple accounts to engage in trolling, or to circumvent a forum ban. Depending on the circumstances and severity, we may ban your in-game account for doing this.

How do Warnings and Infractions work, and how do you get banned?

When a post is deemed to violate the rules, moderators have the ability to issue a warning or infraction. Moderators need to be able to support and foster discussion, while making our forums and other community sites a place where players from all skill levels and walks of life are welcomed. To that end, moderators will issue warnings, infractions, or bans as needed to support our goals. Moderators can also give you a “time out”, where they have to approve your posts before they are displayed publicly to others, regardless of how many infractions or points you’ve earned. This allows us to give people time to cool off without having to ban them. Warnings are just that, and don’t count towards disciplinary thresholds.

Appealing a ban

Most players never get infracted or banned. That said, if you are banned and feel it was done in error, send in a ticket to Community through Please make sure to include your forum display name in addition to your game account name in the ticket, and explain why you feel your posting privileges should be reinstated.

If you were banned a long time ago, and feel you are now able to participate in the community without being a problem, you can appeal your ban as well. A moderator will look at what caused you to be banned, consider your appeal, and make a decision. Typically, if you are allowed back into the community and start causing problems again, you'll be re-banned quickly.

We like you! Thank you for being here.

We hope you enjoy talking about our games on the forums and other social channels, and welcome you to the community. We've found over the years that our community is one of our greatest strengths, and our players’ high level of intelligence and creativity makes our games a better place. We thank you for following these common-sense rules, and hope you have a fun time for many years to come.

The Standing Stone Games Team

Right of Self-determination:

volt_ wrote on Mar 23rd, 2017 at 4:43pm:
Be a container for your genes to control your behavior in order to reproduce
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Completionist (i.t.p.)


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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #1 - Aug 30th, 2017 at 5:54pm
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Dear Cordo. I hope you are fired because you are an incompetent asshole who has put a BAD face on this game. Dear CS_Akalaid. I hope you are fired for managing the most incompetent and idiotic transfer from WB to SSG in the history our CS. You're a fucking asshole dickhead fucktard. Dear Sev. Please stop making this more like an ARPG. I know you like it but I don't. Booorelock
« Last Edit: Aug 30th, 2017 at 5:54pm by WonderfulFoppyBint »  

Right of Self-determination:

volt_ wrote on Mar 23rd, 2017 at 4:43pm:
Be a container for your genes to control your behavior in order to reproduce
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Who Cares
Not this guy ^^^

You sir, are a dickbag.

Posts: 1951
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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #2 - Aug 30th, 2017 at 5:58pm
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You have been banned for the following reason:
20. Inappropriate content: You may not use, distribute, or spotlight, or post links to sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially, nationally, ethnically offensive content or language, or other content de

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

Such a great sock too. Went from no greenis, to great big greenis, to permaban over the course of a single weekend Cheesy
« Last Edit: Aug 30th, 2017 at 5:58pm by Who Cares »  

Fuck Off, That is all
Strakeln wrote on Feb 10th, 2016 at 9:17pm:
WC can do whatever he wants.

[] wrote on Feb 6th, 2017 at 11:26pm:
Public Service Announcement: your servers are not dead; if you can't find groups, it means you suck and/or nobody likes you.
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #3 - Aug 30th, 2017 at 6:34pm
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Don't bring up old arguments in unrelated threads. You and someone else got into a 13-page dispute over whether shields should have handles, and will never agree on anything ever again because of it. You and the other person (or people) should stop responding to each other, at least for the time being. Regardless of how you choose to proceed, we don't want the topic brought up again and again in threads that have nothing to do with whether shields should have handles.

I think I got hit on this one once.
Right after I started playing I asked: "Why no torches in this game?"
Guess I should have known it was an old dispute.

I would point this out on the main forum, but I'd be bringing up an old dispute.

Oh well, learned my lesson, just shut up and clap.
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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #4 - Aug 30th, 2017 at 6:48pm
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Satanscock wrote on Aug 30th, 2017 at 6:34pm:
Don't bring up old arguments in unrelated threads. You and someone else got into a 13-page dispute over whether shields should have handles, and will never agree on anything ever again because of it. You and the other person (or people) should stop responding to each other, at least for the time being. Regardless of how you choose to proceed, we don't want the topic brought up again and again in threads that have nothing to do with whether shields should have handles.

I think I got hit on this one once.
Right after I started playing I asked: "Why no torches in this game?"
Guess I should have known it was an old dispute.

I would point this out on the main forum, but I'd be bringing up an old dispute.

Oh well, learned my lesson, just shut up and clap.

That rule would get Frank and Asheras blocked pretty damn quick if we implimented it here Tongue but that would also involve making Stralk work.

Sidebar: "Why no torches in this game?" Kind of raises an interesting question!

I'll never understand the propensity of people to brag about being good at a video game. Its a toy you play with for fun. The only person who should be proud of you is your mother. If you're 3.
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Who Cares
Not this guy ^^^

You sir, are a dickbag.

Posts: 1951
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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #5 - Aug 30th, 2017 at 7:07pm
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noamineo wrote on Aug 30th, 2017 at 6:48pm:
"Why no torches in this game?"

Because the obvious progression from torches is to pitchforks, and they get enough of both on the forums. Tongue

Fuck Off, That is all
Strakeln wrote on Feb 10th, 2016 at 9:17pm:
WC can do whatever he wants.

[] wrote on Feb 6th, 2017 at 11:26pm:
Public Service Announcement: your servers are not dead; if you can't find groups, it means you suck and/or nobody likes you.
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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #6 - Aug 30th, 2017 at 7:16pm
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WonderfulFoppyBint wrote on Aug 30th, 2017 at 5:52pm:
Don't call for devs or other SSG employees to be fired, killed, get sick, etc. We take this very seriously, even if you mean it as "a joke".

I hope Jerry gets sick and fired.  This isn't a joke.*

*See, you can say that here.  This is why the MOBOs are a complete waste of time and effort.
« Last Edit: Aug 30th, 2017 at 7:16pm by Skoodge »  

Turbine policy - glitches and poor coding resulting in interference of your game play or enjoyment will be ignored.  Glitches or poor coding on the developers side that at all benefit your game play or enjoyment will result in your character being banned and/or items from your inventory deleted.  Please report all bugs via our bug report...when it works.
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #7 - Aug 30th, 2017 at 7:39pm
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Respect people. We ask that you respect others whether you agree with them or not. That means, in part:
Don't insult or harass others: Insulting or harassing people says more about you than it does the person you are insulting or harassing.
Don't troll: Trolling disrupts conversation and leads to long-term problems. Remember that you can strongly disagree with someone and not post about it, and can instead voice your own opinion without insulting others. This is also more productive and valuable to us. It's okay if someone is wrong on the Internet!
Don't accuse people of being trolls: Simply report their posts and move on. Calling someone a troll is a form of trolling.
Don't use loaded words to insult a group of players: The use of the words, "fanboy", "fanbois", "cheerleaders", "haters", or similar-meaning language, is insulting and not okay.

It'd be swell if SSG would start eating their own dog food and show their players some actual respect via good communications and quality customer support.   But apparently, telling the truth by calling a fanboy a fanboy is bad mojo.   Guess you're in luck Asheras.
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The Undeserving Fuckwit

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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #8 - Aug 30th, 2017 at 8:29pm
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WonderfulFoppyBint wrote on Aug 30th, 2017 at 5:52pm:
Don't be abusive to SSG employees or forum moderators.

think am only person in game's history to be perma banned for that one.

Mockduck wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 2:20pm:
I don't think naming names would be a good thing for me to do, but I'd pretty much add anyone who's a know-it-all dick on the list.� Even if they are sometimes intelligent with their opinions, the way they state them in long, "i'm a lawyer at trial"-type posts makes me want to punch them in the face.� They act like whiney babies with god complexes and then freak out if someone so much as breathes criticism in their direction.
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #9 - Aug 30th, 2017 at 8:59pm
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Wasnt that from what you wrote here on the vault? They shouldnt even be on here?
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #10 - Aug 30th, 2017 at 9:56pm
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WonderfulFoppyBint wrote on Aug 30th, 2017 at 5:52pm:
No Racism, inappropriate content, or other -isms

Shouldn't the fanboys be hit with this for "collectivism"?

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The Undeserving Fuckwit

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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #11 - Aug 30th, 2017 at 10:39pm
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Skrilla wrote on Aug 30th, 2017 at 8:59pm:
Wasnt that from what you wrote here on the vault? They shouldnt even be on here?

sort of. I posted a few paragraphs on a sock on the mobos. The account couldn't be traced to me and the only connection was me saying I did it here on the vault. They linked that and my vault account with my in game account through someone simply telling them who I am on orien.
« Last Edit: Aug 30th, 2017 at 10:40pm by Rubbinns »  

Mockduck wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 2:20pm:
I don't think naming names would be a good thing for me to do, but I'd pretty much add anyone who's a know-it-all dick on the list.� Even if they are sometimes intelligent with their opinions, the way they state them in long, "i'm a lawyer at trial"-type posts makes me want to punch them in the face.� They act like whiney babies with god complexes and then freak out if someone so much as breathes criticism in their direction.
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Horoluth Raider

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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #12 - Aug 31st, 2017 at 12:30am
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I don't even care enough to get banned again, thought to be honest I'm not sure I could top my previous "hate speech" ban.
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Completionist (i.t.p.)


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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #13 - Aug 31st, 2017 at 1:16am
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Bigjunk wrote on Aug 31st, 2017 at 12:30am:
I don't even care enough to get banned again, thought to be honest I'm not sure I could top my previous "hate speech" ban.

did you lose mr helmet?


Right of Self-determination:

volt_ wrote on Mar 23rd, 2017 at 4:43pm:
Be a container for your genes to control your behavior in order to reproduce
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Dragon Raider

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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #14 - Aug 31st, 2017 at 7:51am
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One of the things that has been a long-term project of mine is to update the Community Guidelines to better reflect the needs of Standing Stone Games

That's the problem right there. It's not the needs of the game, or the community, or each individual player or whatever. It's the needs of SSG.
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Abbot Raider


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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #15 - Aug 31st, 2017 at 11:01am
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All of that post is hilarious because the Vault is de facto the official DDO Forum.

Even the devs lurk and post on socks here.

SSG doesn't even keep it's own game catalgue/ encyclopedia. That all got dumped on the players and Wiki.

So, I guess for the handful of remaining Mobo posters this clemency of sorts may be relevant, but really, nothing much has changed other than an oblique acknowledgement of the arbitrary nature of banning policy.

Or maybe it's a tacit "Olive branch" to the perma-banned because they realized that DDO's dying population can't afford to alienate any more users.

In any event: Meh.

I Got Nothin'.
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Completionist (i.t.p.)


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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #16 - Aug 31st, 2017 at 11:18am
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Given Jerry's steady rate of banning and a declining population, the vault will soon rule over all Tamriel, I mean...



That's Tamriel guys. Fuck.
« Last Edit: Aug 31st, 2017 at 11:19am by WonderfulFoppyBint »  

Right of Self-determination:

volt_ wrote on Mar 23rd, 2017 at 4:43pm:
Be a container for your genes to control your behavior in order to reproduce
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #17 - Aug 31st, 2017 at 11:35am
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noamineo wrote on Aug 30th, 2017 at 6:48pm:
That rule would get Frank and Asheras blocked pretty damn quick if we implimented it here Tongue but that would also involve making Stralk work.

Really only Assherass since he claims that I have "a history" of picking a fight to distract from being wrong on the internet.  Which could not be further from the truth, and anyone with two brain cells to rub together will know that to be the case.  And so anyone who reads that should know that Assherass thinks that they are brainless...  And really our 'fight' here is fairly recent and mostly one that he is concerned with.

I never picked a fight here that was anything other than a genuine calling out of idiocy.  And I've never tried to dodge my own idiocy.  I caught a bit of a bad rep when Digimonk decided for reasons that he can far better explain than I to engage me in a running gun fight, but that fight wasn't one of my initiation and I did offer several times to bury the hatchet with Digi before pressure from third parties caused him to finally acquiesce.

I will say that I'm glad that he and I have at least managed to maintain a policy of largely ignoring one another.  And semi-ironically he and I have also since managed to observe the ddoforums "Don't bring up old arguments in unrelated threads" policy.  I don't even think he is a bad person, I hold no grudges other than recognizing that the past did indeed happen.  He made a very poor judgement call and apparently has since regretted it and changed his ways, so good for him.  And me.  But when mud is being slung around it sticks to everyone.

Rubbinns wrote on Aug 30th, 2017 at 8:29pm:
think am only person in game's history to be perma banned for that one [Don't be abusive to SSG employees or forum moderators.].

Probably not.  My perma didn't get labeled with that exact reason, but it was basically for criticizing veteran fanboys for being veteran fanboys.  And in the end all I had to do was respond to them no matter how mild my post was to collect a new infraction.  Seriously, the final post I was perma-banned for was just me disagreeing with with the fanboy without any actual offenses other than the fact that an infraction was and will always remain the most subjective thing.  But saying "No, I think you are wrong and here's why" should never collect an infraction if it doesn't involve cursing or whatever.  And yet it did, often at the end and regardless of the content of my posts.  A policy of protecting that kind of mindless white-knighting behavior will never result in a decent forum environment.  "I'll suck your cock no matter how bad your decisions are" is just fucking stupid and indefensible no matter how much you might like to hear good things about your bad decisions, but saying so without the references to cock sucking should not collect an infraction.
« Last Edit: Aug 31st, 2017 at 11:37am by Frank »  

No, let me be Frank.

Digimonk wrote on Dec 8th, 2016 at 12:39pm:
I've had multiple RoSS rot just from doing the explorer points in Sands across multiple lives since it is exclusive.

Smart players know how to use buyback.

Digimonk wrote on Dec 22nd, 2016 at 1:58pm:
I will not chone.

I did what I did intentionally and while my primary purpose was not to annoy the other Vaulties, I acknowledge that it was a side effect.

Smart people don't elicit "side effects."  They understand in advance the consequences of their actions.
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The Undeserving Fuckwit

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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #18 - Aug 31st, 2017 at 11:50am
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Frank wrote on Aug 31st, 2017 at 11:35am:
My perma

you got perma banned in game?

Mockduck wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 2:20pm:
I don't think naming names would be a good thing for me to do, but I'd pretty much add anyone who's a know-it-all dick on the list.� Even if they are sometimes intelligent with their opinions, the way they state them in long, "i'm a lawyer at trial"-type posts makes me want to punch them in the face.� They act like whiney babies with god complexes and then freak out if someone so much as breathes criticism in their direction.
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Vault Frog

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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #19 - Aug 31st, 2017 at 12:27pm
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come on, I'm sure you all have a forum sock you'd be happy to have the forum ban lifted...  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes


Yes my avatar is an Hermine eating a Greenland Lemming for brunch.
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #20 - Aug 31st, 2017 at 12:41pm
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Rubbinns wrote on Aug 31st, 2017 at 11:50am:
you got perma banned in game?

In forum game.  Does that count?

No, let me be Frank.

Digimonk wrote on Dec 8th, 2016 at 12:39pm:
I've had multiple RoSS rot just from doing the explorer points in Sands across multiple lives since it is exclusive.

Smart players know how to use buyback.

Digimonk wrote on Dec 22nd, 2016 at 1:58pm:
I will not chone.

I did what I did intentionally and while my primary purpose was not to annoy the other Vaulties, I acknowledge that it was a side effect.

Smart people don't elicit "side effects."  They understand in advance the consequences of their actions.
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Waterworks Kobold

It's a funny name.

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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #21 - Aug 31st, 2017 at 12:51pm
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All five of my Perma banned socks are still banned.

Even my poor "FatJerry" sock is still banned, and he only got to post for 1 day.

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Horoluth Raider

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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #22 - Aug 31st, 2017 at 2:16pm
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WonderfulFoppyBint wrote on Aug 31st, 2017 at 1:16am:

Nah, I've just been banned so many times I can't remember which one was banned for what.   It's not like I troll or something.
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Ah Pook
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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #23 - Aug 31st, 2017 at 2:44pm
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Turd_Ferguson wrote on Aug 31st, 2017 at 12:51pm:
All five of my Perma banned socks are still banned.

Even my poor "FatJerry" sock is still banned, and he only got to post for 1 day.


Daggertooth wrote on Apr 14th, 2017 at 6:52pm:
I'm pretty fucking sure I am a special snowflake.

Frank wrote on Apr 2nd, 2017 at 8:32am:
Laugh it up, funny man.
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Mobos "Community Rules Update"
Reply #24 - Aug 31st, 2017 at 3:55pm
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Frank wrote on Aug 31st, 2017 at 11:35am:
Really only Assherass since he claims that I have "a history" of picking a fight to distract from being wrong on the internet.  Which could not be further from the truth, and anyone with two brain cells to rub together will know that to be the case.  And so anyone who reads that should know that Assherass thinks that they are brainless...  And really our 'fight' here is fairly recent and mostly one that he is concerned with.

I never picked a fight here that was anything other than a genuine calling out of idiocy.  And I've never tried to dodge my own idiocy.  I caught a bit of a bad rep when Digimonk decided for reasons that he can far better explain than I to engage me in a running gun fight, but that fight wasn't one of my initiation and I did offer several times to bury the hatchet with Digi before pressure from third parties caused him to finally acquiesce.

I will say that I'm glad that he and I have at least managed to maintain a policy of largely ignoring one another.  And semi-ironically he and I have also since managed to observe the ddoforums "Don't bring up old arguments in unrelated threads" policy.  I don't even think he is a bad person, I hold no grudges other than recognizing that the past did indeed happen.  He made a very poor judgement call and apparently has since regretted it and changed his ways, so good for him.  And me.  But when mud is being slung around it sticks to everyone.

That's a serious bit of revisionist history.

I set a goal of getting you to confirm for all the Vault to see that you are an idiot.  I only stopped because I accomplished that.  If you went back and reviewed all the posts of people telling you to stop being an idiot in those threads, it would confirm it, but I'm sure you won't because that would contradict your revisionism.

Me stopping had nothing to do with you or anyone else asking me to stop.  I have zero regrets about doing it.  I regret that others had to endure the shitposting while I put you on display, but that is not the same as regretting doing it.

Frank wrote on Aug 31st, 2017 at 11:35am:
And semi-ironically he and I have also since managed to observe the ddoforums "Don't bring up old arguments in unrelated threads" policy.

Except for when you do bring it back up.   Roll Eyes
« Last Edit: Aug 31st, 2017 at 3:56pm by Digimonk »  
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